From a Japanese innovation awards came a music bottle, a device for capturing and remixing sounds by DJ/Inventor Jun Fujiwara.
Coca Cola
Remix Bottle
Video & multi-media
This clever invention came to the attention of Coca-Cola, who asked him to re-create his device inside an iconic Coca-Cola bottle and Strategy was commissioned to make a viral film of the bottle in action around Tokyo.
Strategy sourced locations, from city streets to a candy factory, to gather sounds and play them back. They documented this social music project that captured sounds and remixed them into shareable music tracks. The entire look and feel of the video was developed by Strategy.
The project was well aligned with Coca-Cola’s ‘Open Happiness’ message, giving the familiar “pssstt” sound of opening a bottle of Coke a new twist. The resulting video went viral, with more than 100,000 views across the range of videos. Ring tones were also released as part of the project.