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Yohei Fukuda, a shoemaker at Yohei Fukuda, had already established himself in the Japan market and was looking for new ways to reach international customers.

In order to reach a wider range of customers, they decided to create an original video that would convey the goodness of the brand. The idea was to distribute this video to maximize the opportunity to be featured in online fashion media. Strategy SET first had a good discussion about the goals of the Yohei Fukuda brand, and from there, they focused on capturing the essence of Yohei Fukuda as a shoemaker and designer in the film, creating a short film. After the release of this short film, it was watched by many people and featured in the fashion culture magazine "THE NEW ORDER MAGAZINE" and the web magazine "poweredby.tokyo", and the "Yohei Fukuda" brand is now widely known in the French market.
